Carpet Python – from the Animal Songs series is moderately fast, with a catchy, jazzy tune in G minor using sliding scales to imitate the sound and movements of the snake. The words are mildly humorous and appealing particularly to younger children of Primary school age. The children are required to hiss like a snake, and emphasise the ‘S’ sounds on the words “Slithering and Sliding in your Ceiling” throughout the piece.
Carpet Python teaches unison singing, harmonic blending and ostinato part-writing. It is suitable for Primary school aged children and is available in either Unison or SA & piano version.
Carpet Python is recommended by Mark O’Leary (Young Voices of Melbourne) in the Kodaly Newsletter article “Teaching Part Singing to your choir” Oct 2014 as an example of a song with Ostinato accompaniment: “a very easy way to begin successful part singing.” It is also featured on the Australian Boys Choir Repertoire list.
Who is hiding in your ceiling? I am 12 feet long,
I would like to eat your rodents, I am very strong.
Slithering and sliding in your ceiling I delight
Looking for some dinner in the pitch black of the night.
I would never eat you I would curl up in your bed,
I do not have venom I’m a friendly kind of pet.
Slithering and sliding in your ceiling I delight
Looking for some dinner in the pitch black of the night.
Key G minor
Range D above middle C to D an octave higher
Tempo Moderately Fast and Mysterious
Duration 1:30
PerformancesCarpet Python was premiered by Voices of Birralee Juniors and Piccolos in 2009
Sung by Voices of Birralee, Piccolos and Juniors, Brisbane
Purchase by instant download
Carpet Python Unison & Piano Licence for 30 copies by PDF AU$30.00 Add to CartCarpet Python Unison & Piano Licence for 45 copies by PDF AU$45.00 Add to Cart
Carpet Python SA & Piano Licence for 30 copies by PDF AU$30.00 Add to Cart
Carpet Python SA & Piano Licence for 45 copies by PDF AU$45.00 Add to Cart
Carpet Python MP3 Backing Track AU$ 5.00 Add to Cart